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Brand / Manufacturer: MIGHTY JAXX Mã Sản Phẩm: 12675
Manufacturer: Mighty Jaxx Kích thước: 10cm Chất liệu: ABS, PVC Gear up, Monkey D. Luffy takes the stage for this edition of Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles: One Piece. Featuring all the gears revealed so far, this blind box series is a must-have for all fans! Featuring Jason Freeny's iconic ha..
2.000.000 đ
One Piece Freenys Hidden Dissectibles: Ladies Edition Series (Mighty Jaxx)
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Brand / Manufacturer: MIGHTY JAXX Mã Sản Phẩm: 12041
Manufacturer: Mighty Jaxx Kích thước: 10cm Chất liệu: ABS, PVC ..
1.800.000 đ
Freeny's Hidden Dissectibles : One Piece (Series 3)
Hết hàng
Brand / Manufacturer: MIGHTY JAXX Mã Sản Phẩm: 12040
Manufacturer: Mighty Jaxx Kích thước: 10cm Chất liệu: ABS, PVC ..
1.800.000 đ
One Piece Freenys Hidden Dissectibles: Warlords Edition Series (Mighty Jaxx)
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Brand / Manufacturer: MIGHTY JAXX Mã Sản Phẩm: 12039
Manufacturer: Mighty Jaxx Kích thước: 10cm Chất liệu: ABS, PVC ..
3.600.000 đ
Hiển thị 1 đến 4 trong tổng số 4 (1 Trang)
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