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Genshin Impact - Floating Hydro Fungus Bubble Camera
Hết hàng
Brand / Manufacturer: miHoYo Mã Sản Phẩm: 11013
Floating Hydro Fungus Bubble Camera Main material: ABS + PVC Dimensions: around 75mm (length) x 92mm (width) x 172mm (height) Packaging Dimensions: around 154mm x 115mm x 202mm Battery: requires 3 pieces of 1.5V AA batteries (not included) ..
900.000 đ
Genshin Impact - Floating Hydro Fungus Night Lamp
Hàng Order
Brand / Manufacturer: miHoYo Mã Sản Phẩm: 10627
Official Genshin Impact Merchandise List of content: Night light x1, USB Type-C – Charging Cable x1, Instruction Manual x1 Size: around 170mm x 180mm x 160mm Material: silicone, ABS, PVC Input parameters: DC 5V/ 1A Maximum Power: 1.2W Battery Capacity: 1500mAh Product Showcase ..
950.000 đ
Hiển thị 1 đến 2 trong tổng số 2 (1 Trang)
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