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Goddess of Victory: NIKKE SAC Series - SD 2nd Edition (Hobby Sakura)

Goddess of Victory: NIKKE SAC Series - SD 2nd Edition (Hobby Sakura)
Goddess of Victory: NIKKE SAC Series - SD 2nd Edition (Hobby Sakura)
Goddess of Victory: NIKKE SAC Series - SD 2nd Edition (Hobby Sakura)
Goddess of Victory: NIKKE SAC Series - SD 2nd Edition (Hobby Sakura)

Manufacturer: Hobby Sakura

Kích thước: 10cm

Chất liệu: ABS, PVC

Thời gian phát hành:

Goddess of Victory: NIKKE SAC Series - SD 2nd Edition (Hobby Sakura)
  • Tình Trạng / Kho Hàng: Pre-Order
  • Brand / Manufacturer: Hobby Sakura
  • Mã Sản Phẩm: 14485
Lượt Bán: 0
Lượt Xem: 19
0 đ

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Chi tiết sản phẩm
Hãng sản xuất Hobby Sakura
Kích thước 10cm
Chất liệu ABS, PVC
Thời gian phát hành
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